On December 20, 2024, the IV All-Russian Gas Motor Forum was held in Kaliningrad at the site of the AVTOTOR Holding enterprise.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom Viktor Zubkov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region, Minister of Infrastructure Development of the Kaliningrad Region Alexander Rolbinov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVTOTOR Holding LLC Valery Gorbunov, representatives of the Gazprom Group, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Transport of Russia.
Operators of gas filling infrastructure, manufacturers of gas motor equipment and methane-powered transport were invited to discuss the development directions of the gas motor fuel market.
The Kaliningrad Region was chosen as a site due to its high potential for the development of both liquefied and compressed natural gas consumption in the transport sector, as well as AVTOTOR LLC's plans to start producing new models of gas-powered passenger cars, SUVs and light commercial vehicles in 2025.
PJSC Gazprom has demonstrated the efficiency of using natural gas in transport by its own example. Almost 15 thousand vehicles, which is 63% of the company's entire fleet, have already been converted to natural gas.
Over the past years, gasification of transport has saved 14 billion rubles on the price difference between gasoline, diesel and methane. In 2024, by order of PJSC Gazprom, the production of gas-powered road construction equipment such as bulldozers, pipe layers, and excavators began. It was decided to continue the PJSC Gazprom program for the conversion of its own and attracted vehicles until 2030.
It is impossible not to note the joint work of PJSC Gazprom with federal and regional authorities, as a result of which a backbone gas filling network was created, and state measures were taken to support the gas motor fuel market. In 33 regions of Russia, a transport tax benefit is in effect for owners of methane-powered cars. From January 1, it will be introduced for the first time in the Smolensk Region. From 2025, subsidies for the conversion of transport to methane from the federal budget will be allocated to the republics of Ingushetia, Komi, Mari El and Khabarovsk Krai. Federal funds for the construction of gas filling stations will also be received by the Republic of Mari El, the Chechen Republic, Kamchatka and Khabarovsk Krais, Bryansk and Ryazan Regions, and the city of Sevastopol.
The forum announced the prospects for expanding support for the gas motor fuel market at the federal level. The relevant ministries have begun to work on the issue of increasing the subsidy to car manufacturers by 30% per unit of gas motor equipment.The possibility of allocating subsidies to support the production of mobile gas filling infrastructure and to compensate for lost income on preferential loans for the purchase and conversion of vehicles to methane is also being considered.
Gazprom GazomotornoyeToplivo LLC analyzed the measures to support electric transport, and by analogy, the company proposes to support transport running on natural gas. This includes benefits for travel on toll sections of federal roads, parking, and leasing.
The forum participants were presented with an exhibition of methane-powered vehicles manufactured by AVTOTOR LLC. The exhibits included the BAIC U5 Plus sedan and the SWM G01 crossover, a prototype of which was first presented at the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum. The vehicle is currently undergoing certification. The exhibition also included models that are in the process of developing the technology for switching to natural gas, including the BAIC BJ 40 SUV, the AMBERTRAK WORK pickup, and the BROCK 75 light-duty electric truck with an onboard generator running on natural gas.
The forum was organized by the National Gas Motor Association, which has been the largest industry community in the field of expanding the use of natural gas in transport for 25 years. The event was held with the support of PJSC Gazprom and AVTOTOR Holding LLC.